Friday, 21 May 2010

May CILIP Update

May's Update features an article on creating a sharing culture, which should've been really interesting but instead is just a load of management-speak and not very readable or accessible.

I did like the article by Martin White, though, on collaboration. It's very readable with some practical insights:
"If an organisation has an effective information management strategy, all its employees are able to say:
- I can find the information I need
- I trust the information I find
- I can publish information for others to use
- I am able to share my expertise
- My manager supports my information responsibilities
- My networks extend beyond the firewall"

This could be our long-term vision - for me, the focus for this year is for the first two bullets - getting the information together and agreeing quality assurance processes to build trust. We'll be dabbling with sharing information but it's getting the balance of small steps and big leaps forward so that any change can be sustained...

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