Opportunities and Challenges
- economics of information - IPR; FoI; access and exploitation
- what about the knowledge that doesn't lend itself to a digital format?
- how to handle digital persona - virtual communities and alternative economies
- divisive nature of technology - a new division of class according to access to technology? does it disenfranchise or empower?
- standards and interoperability - impact of Google/Microsoft/Yahoo?
- how to manage fast paced change and multiple devices
- still a need to teach and train experts - geo experts will be needed, deeper learning for experts
- domination of Google/Microsoft/Yahoo - driving technology but have also helped put GI in mainstream
- data deluge
- protection/privacy/access/reuse
- embedding (what does embedding really mean?)
- need an underlying basic IT infrastructure (e.g. grid, visualisation, mobile) with a spatial infrastructure (e.g. spatial ontologies) overlaid on top
- Google/Microsoft/Yahoo challenge - raises expectations; discourages sharing?; how well does it transfer to academia?
- methodologies - lack of skills here - mashups are not research; need to develop more analytical skills in young researchers
- data - integrity; interoperability; creation (new, repurposed); sharing
- policy - IPR; funding; publication; RAE/REF; tracking development of information
- collaboration - technological, social, learning with industry
Data/Content- Data is currently in layers and "all over the place"
- What will INSPIRE achieve?
- funding for infrastructure: interoperability; storage; distribution
- role of community generated data
- quality and validation
- semantic enrichment
- where does Google/Yahoo/Microsoft fit?
- Research Council mandates are not enforced
- how does a researcher deposit a dataset/database?
- depth/breadth tension
- there is a disconnect between creator and dataset - need provenance info - data/process broker, intelligent catalogue
- (web) services lead to fundamental changes in models of use e.g. do you need processing power alongside the data - remote processing
- "handy" mobile needed - portable, light, multiple ports, GPS, wearable
- sensor networks and notion of central storage
- tools/portals enable virtual world immersion - deeper sense of telepresence
- can we learn from games technology?
- consolidated and converged technologies
- collaboration and sharing - less travel?
- different publication needs - raw data; code; published papers
- wider promotion of geo info
- compulsory GI education
- funders to encourage outputs to be disseminated
- policy framework
- repositories, portals, databases
- need for academic level specialist support
- career development
- professional development
- networks and communities of practice
- funding for methodological development e.g. spatial methods for Grid
- copyright and intellectual property - derived data, watermarking, commercialisation
- training - cross-disciplinary; quality
- data and standards development - involving user communities
- ethics - code of practice; awareness of issues; data integrity; monitoring
- support - policy to encourage networking
- data access policy - feasibility and extent of info in public domain
- access/usage permissions - who has the right to grant permissions? authentication in a global context
- collaborative support - policy to enable multi-centre, multidisciplinary, multisector, multinational activity
- social software/networking tools
- wider dissemination of metadata beyond traditional subject boundaries
- cultural change to cite datasets
- links between universities and schools
- changing demography e.g. >adult learners
- funding - different streams - staffing, content, experimentation
- benefits - clear roles/responsibilities
- free or pay to view infrastructure
- alternative (i.e. to OS) providers now available
- entrepreneurial drivers
- REF/RAE should effectively recognise complex and hybrid digital outputs
- institutional or subject repositories
- nervousness about depositing material
- support to clear confusion re IPR especially in relation to derived data
Also, as an aside, I talked with Dr Douglas Cawthorne from De Montfort Uni in Leicester - they are involved in a large project to map Leicester - the result will be a multilayered map, showing the current city, the Roman city, social maps, emotive maps etc and will incorporate user generated content e.g. photos. Something to watch out for...
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