Sunday, 25 April 2010

News and opinion in HSJ 15 April

HSJ 15 April issue:

  • Report from NQB on lack of quality information – suggests that organisations review what info is needed for decision-making and improving patient care and stop collecting data that isn’t useful. Data from secondary care tends to be good but very little on community services or primary care. Final version of the report is due in May.
  • Article on reaction to growing talk of the need to close hospitals – quotes recent McKinsey report which included a review of bed occupancy – suggests up to £700m spent on hospital procedures having limited clinical benefit – if patients receive more info on options, likely outcomes and risks, fewer tend to opt for surgery e.g. mastectomies (can drop by half) and prostatectomies (can drop by a quarter) – report also claims that up to 40% of patients in typical hospital at any one time don’t need to be there – due to delays in receiving tests/therapies; lack of more suitable care facilities in community. A Picker Institute study – a trial of shared decision making with pts in gynaecology – led to 40% reduction in treatment costs
  • Tackling foundation trusts and enabling them to fulfil their role as leaders – suggest there is a role for commissioners to “develop into the local driving force of service improvement, challenging providers to be more efficient and effective and to meet the needs of patients in the most clinically effective – and cost effective – way. Commissioners need different ways of assessing the needs of the populations, and effective methods to ensure needs are met and demand is managed. Above all, commissioners need to embrace the concept of being the patient’s friend."

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Open access - costs and benefits

The April edition of CILIP Update reports on a new JISC report by Key Perspectives on scholarly communications – and finds that open access is likely to cost research-intensive HEIs more. However, the report also lists the benefits of open access to the HE sector: better accessibility of research information, savings from less duplication of research, reduction in plagiarism, facilitation of inter-disciplinary research. The last three of these are dependent on usage of open access publications and reaching a critical mass. The report also talks through scenarios of how open access might develop.

Monday, 12 April 2010

Fair share formula; care closer to home and prevention

Interesting articles in HSJ – 8/4/10:

  • Article on fair share formula for practice budgets – reports new allocation formula for determining target commissioning budget of each GP practice and some speculation that may be applied in 2011-12.
  • Article on moving care closer to home and focusing on prevention by Jennifer Taylor. Virtual wards concept to prevent emergency hospital admissions – uses predictive risk modelling to predict patients at risk of emergency hospital admission within next 12 months. Then given intensive preventive care to reduce risk. NHS East of England delivering care at home using a personal health planning tool, for patients with long term conditions. This allows patients to state what they need and allows pooling of services so care is more systematised – therefore less duplication.

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

RIF projects - West Midlands

West Midlands SHA has announced the recipients of the latest round of the Regional Innovation Fund at :

Would be useful to have links to the project descriptions tho....

Next round opens later this month...